Why Coaching?
Because it moves you forward. I first hired a coach to help me with professional goals while feeling "stuck" in my career. The results were surprising! Coaching is an investment in you...
sometimes for the first time in your life!
What makes Coaching Work?
- In a coaching relationship we look for gaps between where you are today and where you want to be in the future.
- As a coach I guide you in finding the answers within yourself to your situation - and I walk along side of you as you move through your transition.
- Accountability plays a huge factor in moving ahead. I believe one cannot achieve success alone. I will be your accountability partner. Outside of your immediate family, I may be the only one genuinely interested in your development and success. There is no agenda on my part except to fully support YOU!
How do I Coach?
- I ask powerful questions to guide you to the answers inside of yourself.
- As a coach I am trained to listen, and also to hear what you are not saying.
- I will challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone and stretch.
- I will help you identify limiting beliefs that do not serve you.
- I will always be listening for tolerations in your life (things that tick you off and drag you down). They may be people, unfinished business, or bad habits. I will encourage you to create a plan in eliminating those tolerations so more natural energy flows into your life.
- We have an assigned time on the phone, 3 - 45 minute sessions, the first three weeks of the month. I am available for support between your coaching sessions via email or telephone.
- Through coaching and using various coaching tools we will discover what you are truly passionate about in your life, and where your strengths lie.
- I have strong intuition, and although I am trained as a professional coach, coaching is a very natural gift and a passion of mine.
- I ask you to come prepared each week with a client weekly prep sheet so that I can be better prepared for your session. This prep time allows you to have clarity in your intention for your session. These are your 45 minutes and I ask that you be committed to showing up, on time, and working through the actions steps we create during our call.
- Coaching is action oriented and the responsibility of the action is yours.
- If you need a gentle kick...I will be the one to do so, but only with your permission.
- You will begin to notice that most of the coaching takes place during the week.
- I like to laugh...a lot, so be prepared to have some fun.
- During your complimentary coaching session, if I feel we are not the "right" fit, I will refer to you other coaches that would be more suitable to your personality and coaching goals.
- As in many other professions, coaching businesses are built on referral. The greatest compliment you can pay me is by referring my services to others.
- Our coaching sessions and relationship are confidential.
- I follow the guidelines of the International Coaching Federation...therefore be assured that I coach with the core competencies, and with the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.

Brenda Hewlko
Transition Coach, CEG