Success Stories
"Brenda Hewlko and Women at Pause was and is a life changer for me. I had forgotten how to take care of myself and now I was facing menopause. I turned 55 and thought "What now? Is this it?" Working within a group of women, who were all strangers was refreshing. living in a farming community, as nice as it is, people know you and sometimes you need to be with women who share no history with you.
After building a successful farm and raising children, it was time to rediscover myself. My husband was hesitant for me to go but now sees how much happier it has made me and improved our relationships. After the 12 week program I continue to enroll in the Alumni program, even through seeding and harvest's when I need it the most! I hope everyone takes advantage of this opportunity." - Lori, Farm wife and Administrator
"Brenda and I have spent a lot of one on one time together, but during all of those conversations, there is one moment that stands out. I was about to enter into a new career adventure but I was having trouble letting go of what I was doing. Brenda told me to focus on my new adventure and that I would know when the time was right to finally let go of the old. This was the greatest piece of advice. She was totally right. Within a few months I had given notice and was ready to move forward." - Connie Harvey, Business Owner
"Before I invested in Women at Pause Group Program I felt totally deflated and stuck in a cycle of not liking where I was but not having the tools to change. I am so glad I invested in myself and then continued on with individual coaching with Brenda because… Knowing that others are feeling the same way was very comforting to me. The Women At Pause sessions were very helpful in providing the tools needed to finally find my way out of the cycle. The content of the class was great and Brenda's caring, compassion and gentle coaching led me to reach deep inside to discover and rekindle what I really needed and wanted. At the end of the class I decided to continue with one-on-one coaching with Brenda and I will continue to utilize Brenda's coaching skills. This investment in myself has definitely provided a great return!"
"I am thrilled because today I am excited to be the person I always knew I was. I am once again a confident, strong and self assured woman looking forward to the future as I enter the next stage of my life.
If you are a woman at midlife, I highly recommend Brenda as a coach and the Women at Pause Group Program." - Heather, Administrative Assistant
"As a retired business woman I felt I had lost my spirit, and floundered through the motions of everyday life. I am so grateful I invested in myself through Women at Pause because I realize now I am worth it, and have discovered a new me. I am thrilled today because I know realize there is so much more to experience in life and I do it with a smile on my face and with
so much more energy." - Linda, Retired
"I was "lost" in my crazy, busy life. Recently, I began to feel that I no longer knew where I was, who I was, and what I was to do next! I am a controlled person by nature and this insecurity inside myself was terrible. I needed a person outside of the situation to help me make sense of things and give me a place to start. In comes my transitions coach, Brenda!!
Brenda is a great coach. Her intuitive nature is uncanny. She listens, really listens. She is a wealth of information, no matter what inquiry I put to her! And she has such a great sense of humor! I must say that she "gets" it, relating to being a professional woman and the unique challenges it brings.
I believe that anyone feeling unsure about his or her purpose in life, needs a Coach. And if it is Brenda, you are going to be just fine!" – Dr. Sandy Barclay, DVM
"Brenda has regularly been coaching me for 8 months. I am happy to testify to Brenda's coaching presence and skills - she is polished, professional, and a compassionate coach. Brenda navigates the coaching sessions masterfully with clarity of thought and always contributing to her clients' process, concretely adding value to the issue at hand. Brenda is a true representative of her chosen niche - she not only talks the talk but she walks the walk." – Minna Ekblom, Geneva, Switzerland, Coach
"Brenda is an ideal leader and guide for mid-life women that are moving through this pivotal stage of life. She has a unique way of deeply connecting with you that is life changing in itself." – Dan Hanneman, The Blockbuster, Crystal City, Illinois.
"This has been a wonderful, uplifting experience that has given me so much joy and freedom. Coaching with Brenda has given me a focus in achieving true happiness within myself. I now focus on my capabilities with confidence and less on my weaknesses. Coaching has allowed me to improve myself as a person, and discovering the best I can be. It gives me the tools in dealing with difficult people and teaches me how to handle myself in difficult situations without falling into old habits and patterns. Working with Brenda, gives me hope, encouragement, and a knowing that there is something better and bigger out there, that I have begun to experience." – Bianca Keffen, Brandon, Manitoba
"I was in one of the largest transitions in my life...the ending of a 17 year marriage with 2 teenagers in tow. The process was a fresh way to put life's priorities into perspective. It gave me a new way of thinking of what was important and what would just happen when everything fits. Brenda has a calming and accepting personality that allows you to go inside and find what is important to you without fear of judgment. It has allowed me to put me first and learn how to say NO to what doesn't make a difference. I would advise anyone in any transition in life to go through the Passion Test does make a difference." – Dawn
"Brenda has provided me with the "tools" to live my life with passion." – Cathy, Winnipeg, Manitoba
"Who knew! I was thrilled to discover the amazing benefits of the Passion Test. I was already feeling great in life, but working with Brenda took it off the map and into a phenomenal focus. And the fantastic ways to keeping that focus front and center. WHICH worked to getting me there all the faster and with phenomenal clarity. I can not say enough of how much I truly enjoyed getting to work with Brenda, but also benefited from this effective and amazingly fun process! Get ready for the "Ah ha's!" and how it brings your life into focus AND action! Working with Brenda was a total joy, and the whole process brought incredible lightness of being that arises from becoming so clear on what really matters to you at your core!" – Stacy Walsh, Boston, Mass.
"This group has enabled meto take off the training wheels and ride like a big girl now, for the second half of my journey." – N.B.

Brenda Hewlko
Transition Coach, CEG